If you are in the final stage of pregnancy, you must already be planning your baby’s first photo shoot. And we know how special that is!
The baby is on the way, and you must be extremely eager to meet your bundle of joy. And the first moments are something that you are going to cherish all your life. In fact, these photos will also remind future generations of the good old times.
Hence, you must be very concerned about the kind of photos you want and their timing. Now newborns are very easy to photograph because they do not move much. And a professional new born photographer will know his way around.
So, let us take you through the details about finding the right time and the factors to consider before a photoshoot. We hope this will put your mind at peace so that you can enjoy the entire experience.
Without further ado, let’s dive in!
Capturing Babies Aged Under 14 Days
Shooting the early moments of your bub’s life is a joy, and you would always want to treasure these moments. Typically, parents book an appointment within 10 days of the baby being born. These are mostly known as newborn portraits, and it is best to capture them within the 11-14th day of their arrival.
This is the phase when they sleep peacefully and curl up easily into their poses. They are not very conscious of the surroundings and instances of them crying are low. Now yes, they cannot smile at this age, but they keep grimacing or pulling their faces, which looks like a smile!
1. Why Is This Age Best For New born photos?
At this age, babies will perfectly snuggle with their parents, and you can take pictures of them on your lap or while feeding. We have managed to click excellent pictures of their feet, lips, and eyelashes at this age. They also tend to remain still, allowing one to set them up in poses.
Moving on, we believe this is the best time to capture pictures with siblings. If you have another young kid, then put them in the same frame, and you will get excellent lifestyle photos with both of them sharing a space.
2. Where To Take These Photographs?
We feel that since the babies are extremely young, it is best to go for indoor shoots. In most cases, photographers come to your house during such shoots. But at times, you may also opt for studios where the arrangements for a shoot are already made. Many individuals choose to take indoor pictures, which are later photoshopped.
Have you seen pictures of babies inside a flower? Or babies placed comfortably in a nest? These are generally photoshopped later on, and you can rest assured that your bub will be safe at all times.
Before you begin the shoot, sit with the photographer and carefully plan out what kind of photos you are looking for. Parents often pick their preferences before the date so that the photographer is also prepared with the right gear. Some parents want a series of gorgeous black and white portraits, while others ask for pictures in pastel shades.
There are different themes too, which will help in determining the kind of pictures. You can opt for nature, food, lifestyle, or cultural pictures. Some love to dress their bubs as little angels who have dropped from the sky. The photographer will then arrange for proper gear accordingly.
Capturing Babies Aged Above 14 Days
While babies under 14 days are perfect for curled up shots, bigger babies can be photographed well too. They are slightly less malleable, and most lose the newborn look. They usually start getting baby acne at this point, and you will need to be more patient with them.
But each baby is different in its own way, and while some may nap peacefully, others might be crying a lot. A professional new born photographer will know exactly how to deal with different situations and can take pictures depending on it.
Remember that babies grow up very fast, so you have to capture them at their earliest to hold on to these months. At this phase, they are almost growing bigger every day and changing their habits daily.
As your babies cross 1 month, they become very alert and understand their surroundings. At this point, they will want to have familiar faces around, and you will get more pictures with their eyes open. This is something to document as well; after all, you will be getting super cute pictures!
Here a photographer might have to change the setting a little, and the lights might need to be dimmer to keep your baby from crying.
Documenting The First Year
The first 1 year of a baby’s life is a time of growth and development. You will see them changing, smiling, trying to get their head up, then sitting, crawling, and walking. This is the year of change, so you have to document it well because it passes very quickly.
We will suggest that you break it down into 3 parts. The first stage should be dedicated to when the baby learns to turn and move on a bed. This is the most fun-filled phase wherein you can see a slow transition from the newborn stage to a more active stage. The faces develop the most at this time, and you will find them smiling and laughing a lot.
The second stage is when the baby learns to sit up and crawl. This is when they start learning to move on their own. You can capture them around the house or on the terrace. Once they can sit up, many parents opt for themed shoots where they can be dressed up as mini-firemen, nurses, bakers, etc. You can get into the frame too and twin with your bub. Make it look playful and fun.
Moving on to the third stage, this is towards the latter half of your baby’s first year when they have learned to move about and walk. Recording their first steps is crucial as this will only happen once. We will also suggest maintaining an album to store their progress over the months.
Ending The New born Series
The first birthday will mark the end of your newborn’s photo series as they complete a milestone. And the first birthday calls for multiple photographs being taken. Honour it by arranging a cake smash for your bub and call all your loved ones. This is the best time to capture them with all their near and dear ones in one frame.
Some people wish to capture their babies in a fine art format, and they usually look for fine art books. Photographers, in such cases, will take continuous pictures over a period of time and create a record of your kid’s growth in a very aesthetic way.
Jump Into The Pictures
While your bub is the centre of attention at that time, you as parents need to jump into the frame too. This is the first stage of creating a family, so it is time to have all you 3 in it.
Now, you might be concerned about excess weight post-pregnancy, but it is not going to matter in the long-run. Share the frame with your baby and let the photographer capture your best moments together.
You can also ask for close-up shots in case you are uncomfortable taking full-length pictures post-pregnancy. Many parents opt for capturing daily moments, including changing diapers, feeding, napping, and you can choose to do so too. Take a day off and ask the photographer to be in the house for a day.
They will know which moments to capture and how to do so. Some photographers might ask to move around with you for a day before planning the shoot. That will help them understand the newborn’s behaviour so that they can plan the shoot accordingly.
Final Words
Sometimes life might get very exhausting with the new member of the family, and you might be spending multiple sleepless nights. But it’s never too late; newborn pictures can be captured as soon as you find some time. Remember, newborns grow up quickly, so you should enjoy the entire experience.
Also, be free and relaxed during the photoshoots. You do not want to look like you are faking expressions. Enjoy the moment and aim for a stress-free time. And don’t forget to keep sufficient diapers, milk bottles, pacifiers, and towels in case you need them.
With this, we have come to the end of our guide. Invest in making memories, and you should have some lovely photographs to fall back on. Then you can wait till your kid grows up and enjoys the pictures.
Let us know if you have any further concerns in the comment section below. Until next time!